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FNGN VP:意识到机构能提供好的养老投资服务很重要

金融界网站 2018-02-05 19:16:17
2月2日,在第二届智能金融国际论坛暨金融界“领航中国”年度盛典上,美国纳斯达克上市公司FNGN(Financial Engines)的副总裁(VP)Wei-yin Hu 在接受金融界的短暂的访问时提到,中美在养老问题上虽然面临着一些差距或不同,但是重要的是意识到专业的养老投资顾问机构,能够为投资者提供良好的投资顾问服务。这种观点同当日华信信托副总裁崔相斌向金融界所提及的观点类似。此外,Wei-yin Hu还向金融界介绍了美国的“401K”计划和其所在的FNGN公司的一些情况。

金融界网站讯 2月2日,在第二届智能金融国际论坛暨金融界“领航中国”年度盛典上,美国纳斯达克上市公司FNGN(Financial Engines)的副总裁(VP)Wei-yin Hu 在接受金融界的短暂的访问时提到,中美在养老问题上虽然面临着一些差距或不同,但是重要的是意识到专业的养老投资顾问机构,能够为投资者提供良好的投资顾问服务。这种观点同当日华信信托副总裁崔相斌向金融界所提及的观点类似。此外,Wei-yin Hu还向金融界介绍了美国的“401K”计划和其所在的FNGN公司的一些情况。

据悉,该公司于1996年由斯坦福大学金融教授、诺贝尔经济学奖得主威廉-夏普(William Sharpe)创办,是美国领先的智能金融平台。公开资料显示,其能够为客户提供个性化的金融指导,客观的收费性质的顾问和资产管理服务。在其客户群体中,有普通的美国个人投资者以及包括福特、戴尔等在内的诸多世界500强公司,囊括了高科技、银行、制造业、零售业等行业。当前,FNGN为客户的退休管理着超过1000亿美元的资产。

Wei-yin Hu在当天的主题演讲中也提到,FNGN与超过700家以上的雇主、企业合作,这些雇主、企业为其雇员提供401K养老计划。FNGN通过线上、线下的服务,来为企业的雇员开展上述投资顾问、资产管理业务。据其介绍,其中这种通过线下方式进行的投资咨询、顾问业务,已经在全美覆盖了超过130个网点。

当天,Wei-yin Hu向金融界提到的上述养老问题在国与国之间的差异的观点,事实上,崔相斌也提到了同样的观点,彼时,崔相斌称,如果仅从商业化的角度来看,我国居民的养老更多还是建立在个人理财之上,但是随着国内的金融发展到一定程度以后,个人的投资收益不一定会很高,因此,到那时居民的养老、理财,就需要由专业的机构来进行打理,对于居民来说,其养老计划安排的意识需要提高。

在短暂的访问期间,Wei-yin Hu还向金融界介绍了美国的“401K”计划。据其介绍,这是一种特定的储蓄计划,它的设立是为了避税,由企业雇主为其雇员所设立。







  Q:Very nice to meet you ,first of all ,Can you make some introduction to us about you yourself and your company Financial Engines briefly?

A:Sure.I’m Wei-yin Hu,I’m kind of financial research at Financial Engines, Financial Engines is a company that we are devoting to helping average Americans be able to retire well,and live up to the dreams they have in retirement,so in the US,the retirement situation such as most people have to figure out how much to save,and how would the investors save by themselves,and they need help,because they are not taught how to do that in school ,so companies like Financial Engines are there to help them figure out how much they need to save,how much risk to take,how to invest ,how to pick specific investments to help them meet their goals.

I have a PHD in Economics from Stanford,and I was an academic taught in UCLA for few years ,and I go to Financial Engines with the idea that I could help real people solve practical problems that matter,and that’s why I stayed there for now,and actually today is our 18th anniversary of Financial Engines.

  Q:Congratulations.What’s the structure of your business sectors?

A:The people that we serve are clients are actually just everyday people, they work at different companies,whether is high-tech companies, banks, manufacture companies, retail companies,so we work with people through their employers,the found contribution plans ,the 401K plans,so we work with more than 700 different companies across different industries,and we are now managing more than 114 billion assets for people’s retirements.

  Q:I want to know what does the so-called 401K planning mean?

A:Great.401K plan is a specific kind of savings plan,is a set-up to help some tax preferences,so that people can save and not paying tax to take their money out, the way that for 401K plans ,they are created by employer ,so for example,company like IBM was set up for their own 401K plan,and although IBM employees can save into that plan,and IBM would choose what investments are available for that plan.

  Q:Which areas did the pensions invest to ?And how was the return now?

A:Yeah,So pensions funds they manage large pools of money for their retirees,for their companies,they persue a number of different strategies,it’s not one sides fits all,but they have access to a wild way of different investments, whether is traditional fixing income ,stocks ,international stocks,alternative assets,private equity,natural resoures,and they persue their investing approach can be very different thing ,what is individual ,because pension funds has a very long time for assets ,and they can take a very different approach to risk than individual can.

Q:The last question,today we are facing an elderly society,and as we all know that US has a very long history in the pensions trust,and the market is very mature,so can you give some related advices to the developing market in China here?

A:Yeah,the US is an aging society,for example, there is a generation called the baby-boomers which were people born shortly after world war II,and they are very large demographic group,there is more than then thousand of them retiring everyday, and that is expecting to continue for another decade at least,so there is a lot of people reaching their retirement age,and they are finding that whereas their parents generation they could rely on their companies provided pension,they have to rely on themselves for their own savings,that’s starting to become true in other countries as well, so different countries they won’t all have the same approach,but recognizing that people will be on their own to make good decisons and having a way to help people make good decisions,or provide them with professional help,so that good decisions are made for them would be very important,so that the money that they save will be last in pouring investments over time.


financial engines FNGN
